Thursday, September 22, 2011

United States Population Density in 2010

This is a map of the United States in 2010, showing population density data by county.  Other countries and a graticule are set in lighter shades of grey, and the oceans and Great Lakes are shown in white.  This is a chloropleth map, shading the American counties in shades from lighter to darker based on lesser to greater magnitudes of population density.  The map provides a legend for the data classification.

Map of the United States of America

This is a map of the United States of America, set in dark grey, with state and national borders in black.  The map includes the non-contiguous states of Alaska and Hawaii in separate data frames and a graticule in all three data frames.  The map sets the country in context of the North American continent, showing the neighboring countries in a lighter shade of grey, and the surrounding oceans and the Great Lakes in white.

Map of Utah

This is a map of the state of Utah (colored green) with the states surrounding it shown in a lighter shade.  The capital, Salt Lake City, is marked and both it and the state are labeled by name in white.  This map allows for a basic, simple depiction of the state, putting it in partial context of the surrounding region.